For members of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System who have one year of
contributing membership and who die while still in active service (while being
paid a salary), or within 180 days of the last day for which a member was paid a
salary, the State of North Carolina provides a single lump sum payment to the
designated beneficiary(ies). The payment equals the highest 12 months salary in
a row during the 24 months preceding death, but not less than $25,000 nor more
than $50,000.
Survivor's Alternate Benefit
If you die in active service or within 180 days after salary
payments cease and have completed 20 years of creditable service, regardless of age, or age 60 with
five years of service, the principal beneficiary may elect to receive a refund
of contributions or may choose the Survivor's Alternate Benefit which is a
monthly benefit for life. If you name two or more persons or your estate or if
you have retired, the Survivor's Alternate Benefit does not apply.