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Overtime Compensation
Employees subject to the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are entitled to overtime compensation. Prior to working any overtime, you must get approval from your hiring authority. Time actually worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek is overtime and is compensated for at a rate of time and one-half. If you are subject to the FLSA, you are required to enter all time worked in the HR-Payroll System, so that you may be compensated as required by law. To maintain accountability, it is important that your time worked and leave taken be entered into the HR-Payroll system on a weekly basis.

As a state employee, your compensation for overtime may be in the form of compensatory time off or monetary compensation. For budgetary reasons, every effort is made to grant compensatory time off in lieu of monetary compensation. The rate of compensation is the same; one and one half hours for every hour of overtime worked. The needs of the office and the employee should always be considered in determining whether an employee will receive compensatory time off or monetary compensation. If compensatory time off has not been taken within 365 days from when it is earned, it will be paid out on the next available pay date.

Employees who are not subject to the overtime provisions of the FLSA (exempt) may, at the discretion of the hiring authority, be granted compensatory time off on an hour for hour basis. For exempt employees in leave-earning positions, recording time worked in excess of 40 hours in the HR-Payroll System is required in order to maintain accuracy and accountability. If applicable, instructions for recording compensatory time will be provided to you in an email of welcome from your salary administration specialist.

Your hiring authority or supervisor will provide you with a form that identifies your employment status under the FLSA. If you have any questions about your FLSA status, please contact your hiring authority or Salary Administration Specialist.
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